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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Week Two Push by Sapphire -- It is Golden Globes Week!

Sorry for the delay in this week's post, but something like grades and MLK holiday sort of got in the way. A little different approach this week -- I love it when I can connect with the author of a memorable book. Sometimes it is in person, but lately I have had "virtual" experiences. Since the Golden Globes were over the weekend, and the Academy Awards are coming up, I found a Katie Couric interview with Sapphire. It is long, but so interesting!
What did you think about the author? Has "meeting" her changed your perspective on the book? What about Katie Couric's questions? Is a movie ever better than a book?
Please email me if you have any questions. Patty


  1. I haven't watched the interview, but I finished the book over the long weekend. WOW is the best way I know of to describe this book. It was really interesting and very depressing at times. However, I loved what Blue did to help them learn to read and write. I just can't imagine how parents can treat a child the way Precious was treated...but I know it happens all the time. I enjoyed the book and can't wait to start reading the next one!

  2. Okay. I haven't seen this BUT I was suprised to see that this film was nominated for a Golden Globe. Wouldn't have been my pick. Incredible story but I still can't get beyond the initial vulgarity of the book.

  3. The film is incredible and Sapphire talks about how the explicit sexual abuse is handled in the movie. I think viewing the interview will give you a different perspective. Remember -- I warned everyone that Push does "push" a few limits.

  4. I also got a chance to read the majority of the book over the weekend...only a few pages left. I was pretty shocked about the vulgarity of the book as well, but this book would NOT be the same without Precious using her everday language! And unfortunately, the reality is that the words she uses, the way she speaks, and how blunt she is are a result of her life's path. I think Sapphire would have lost the majority of the point if she didn't use such harsh language for Precious' voice.

    I would really like to see the movie. Not a Mo'nique fan, but she won an award for her role as Precious' mother.

    By the way, I'm usually a crier, but this book hasn't illicited a single tear from me. Wonder why? Not that it's not appalling...maybe it's soooo harsh that it's almost unbelievable (even though the sad thing is that it is a reality for some people). I don't know.

  5. I always read the books before I see the movies, but this one I don't want to see. I read this expecting it to be similar to the Color Purple, so I wasn't surprised by the content. Having said that, it breaks my heart to know that this happens to children, even to our children here at WKHS.

    I think Sapphire captures the essence of Precious in a realistic way, but it's a reality that I cannot comprehend or accept. It hurts my soul to think of children being abused in any way, but especially like this.

  6. I have not watched this interview. However I have finished reading this book. I agree with Lisa that this book would not be the same if Sapphire did not use the vulgar language. This book is about Precious, written from her point of view on all the horrific tragedies that she overcame. It really helps to bring the character to life. As far as the movie goes I would be interested to see it however I have found the book is usually better.

  7. Be forewarned - the interview is 45 minutes long, but worth every minute. What I found even more interesting were the blogs from the African American women for the interview. They brought up a point I never paid attention to - that the promoters of the film like Oprah and Tyler Perry are implying that this IS the black experience. Sapphire and the bloggers are adamant that this is NOT the black experience - this is an experience of abuse for any race or class of people. I too found the language raw, but considering the setting of the story and the subject matter, I don't see how it could have been written any other way. Please watch the interview. There are so many points she makes that I would LOVE to discuss.

  8. Great idea Jill! I thought Sapphire really made me think when I read the book, but boy, she grabbed me with her responses to Katie.


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